

The Guide!










S Y N T H   B A S E D   I N S T R U M E N T S

Il est très regrettable que la grande majorité des instruments et des plugins soient toujours limités à générer leurs sons en stéréophonie. Et encore, il ne s'agit le plus souvent que de placer des effets stéréo en fin de chaîne du processus...
Pourtant, là réside peut être le domaine où l'intégration de l'espace multicanal et du son est à la fois la plus facile et la plus riche !

Les plugins de cette page n'ont pas vocation à rivaliser avec les grands synthétiseurs du marché, mais ils permettent de générer des sons qui disposent d'un espace interne original, et finalement de possibilités de création de assez inouïes ;-)
D'autre part, il y en a très peu qui sont conçus pour être joués avec un clavier, et encore il s'agit surtout de contrôleurs MPE assez spéciaux !

It is very unfortunate that the vast majority of instruments and plugins are still limited to generating their sounds in stereophony. And even then, it is often only a matter of placing stereo effects at the end of the process...
However, this may be the area where the integration of multichannel space and sound is both the easiest and the richest!

The plugins on this page are not intended to compete with the big synthesizers on the market, but they allow you to generate sounds that have an original internal space, and finally some unbelievable possibilities of creation of quite unheard of ;-)
On the other hand, there are very few that are designed to be played with a keyboard, and even then it's mostly MPE controllers that are quite special!

Certaines versions sont également disponibles sous forme d’applications autonomes pour Windows grâce à Herman Seib's SAVIHost. Cela signifie que vous pouvez les exécuter directement avec votre carte son multicanal et contrôleurs MIDI. Cela peut être plus rapide pour les essayer au lieu d’avoir à traiter les paramètres parfois compliqués de certains hôtes, et vous pouvez même enregistrer leurs sorties sous la forme de fichiers wave jusqu'à 32 canaux  ;-)

Some versions are also available as standalone applications for Windows, thanks to Herman Seib's SAVIHost. This means that you can run them directly with your multichannel soundcard and MIDI controllers. It can be faster to test them instead of having to deal with the sometimes convoluted settings of some hosts, and you can even record their outputs up to 32 channels wave files ;-).

Note that the plugins that use the "3D" spatial mode can import and export the spatial configuration files that are compatible with all the similar acousmodules of other categories. 


Global downloads


The bundles contain a selection of most plugins in each category, but not always the more recent versions: look at the Current build dates.
When there is several versions with different number of channels it is the lowest one which is included.

 Windows Synthesis Bundle - 2022-03  
(AggregaSynth, AnimaSynth, BlenderSynth, FocusSynth, KaleidoSynth, MassSynth, MultiSynth, ScatterSynth, SpatSynth3D, SpatStrument, SynthXplorer, UniSynth)

MacOS Synthesis Bundle - 2022-04  
(AggregaSynth, AnimaSynth, BlenderSynth, FocusSynth, KaleidoSynth, MassSynth, MultiSynth, ScatterSynth, SpatSynth3D, SpatStrument, SynthXplorer, UniSynth)

Fast Help pdf

The essential document that describes all the plugins parameters!
It doesn't replace good manuals (that don't exist anyway ...) but should be enough for everyone to use the plugins properly.
To be completed with the documents and videos listed on the
Resources page.
 Acousmodules Synthesis Fast Help (march 2022 edition)  

+ Configs & Presets

The spatial configs files to be imported/exported in most plugins based on a "3D" graphical channels organization
Spatial Configs - 2022-09  

Soon, a selection of plugins' presets for all categories, just unpack in:
Windows: User/Documents/VST3 Presets/AcousModules  -  Mac: /User/Library/Audio/Presets/AcousModules
Windows Presets       Mac Presets  
(the archive may contain folders corresponding to plugins you have not downloaded, but nervermind, they don't take much space)

The files

VST3 Windows                  Mac AU       MacIntel VST3                 (for everybody)


M P E S y n t h   8 4 8 L  /  8 6 4


MPE based Polyphonic synthesizer, for both synthesis parameters and spatial animations:
- 8 polyphony voices
- full Spat3D spatial mass section compatible with any spatial arrangement with up to 64 channels (works best with networks speakers arrangements) 
- 3 multishape oscillators (sine, triangle, saw, pulse, white and pink noise), oscillator 3 has a Moog filter
- Ring Modulation between osc2 and 3
- 1 raw oscillator (no antialiasing) with resonator
- oscillators 2, 3 and 4 can act as LFO
- 1 PD synthesis oscillator with feedback loop
- free Pitch quantization for each oscillator, up to 1 octave steps
- keyboard control can be set from 0 to 100% and from left to right or inverted independantly for each oscillator
- FM and Sync between all oscillators
- multimode filter
- 2 separate LFO, up to audio rate
- 2 ADSR envelopes with time velocity control, 4 simpler ADSR with multiple destinations
- XYZ MPE gestures can modulate most synthesis parameters and the 3D position of the 8 voices
- basic spatial shapes from the SpatMass (Cube, Lines, Rings) can be used as spatial patterns for initial voices positions
- octophonic hall reverberation with MPE control
- 8 channels EQ
- 64 channels decorelator/resonator with delay modulation
The layered based 48 channels version is especially useful for periphonic spatial layouts (cinema and domes). 


Known issues: LFO1 spatial modulation is monophonic; Note value and Pitch Bend are always linked; possible sliding position on Notes On
Current build date: 13/01/2023

tatus:  /

8 > 48 / 64 





S p a t S y n t h   3 D - 3 2  /  6 4  / 4 8 L



Monophonic synthesizer with spatial modulations:
- 3 VCOs, the first one doesn't use oversampling, the third one is based on Phase Distorsion synthesis
- FM and synchro between Osc 1 and 2, FM between Osc 2 and 3
- 2 envelope generators, can be triggered by the LFOs
- 4 filters :
   - two 4 ways 24 dB/oct SV morphing filters with resonance and FM from Osc 2
   - one regular 2/4 poles resonant SVFilter
   - one BiQuad filter (up to 16th order)
- 4 LFOs going up to audio range, the 3 and 4 can also act as VCO with free routing to the 4 filters
- the 4 filters can be sent to either two spatialization inputs
- the VCOs frequency, FM, filters cutoff, LFOs rates can be modulated by the XYZ spatial position controllers (predefined numbers 11, 12, 15, needed)
- the outputs positions can be also modulated by the 2 EG, the 4 LFOs and the keyboard
- 32 / 48 / 64 channels Resonator with modulations
If the spatial integration is reduced to the simpler possible way with its "Spat3D" or "SpatLayers" section, the goal was for me to remove all the limits I suffer with usual synthesizers, such as the narrow LFOs frequency ranges or some impossible modulation combinations, while keeping it relatively straightforward with no hidden tabs or menus... Even so, it may need some time to handle it correctly !


Known issues: not buffer optimized; strange things may happen.
Current build date: 06/03/2022

32 / 48 / 64

Windows       EXE




F o c u s S y n t h   3 6  /  6 4



The synthesis parameters are very basic, having not even a filter but it can make interesting "additive" spatial textures, like with 36 or 64 Theremins playing together, each with its own place in space ;-)
- 36 or 64 independant oscillators that can play in unisson or be spreaded upon 10 octaves, each one going to a different speaker
- sub-oscillator that can be used as a global LFO or FM
- all the frequencies are individually controlled according to the position, the Size and the Shape of the "focus"
- Inertia setting to obtain very slow frequencies evolutions
- pitch quantifcation based on the spatial movements
- when followed by a FocusDelay, a FocusFilter and a FocusMass it can make a very complex spatial synthesizer engine !


Known issues: some values are reinitialized when connecting / deconnecting a patch wire ; the 64 channels version may need some power.
To do: try sync mode sub-oscillator; make some Presets.
Current build date: 22/05/2020

36 / 64 

Windows       EXE




K a l e i d o S y n t h   6 4  /  1 2 8



Application of the "Kaleido principle" to synthesis (see KaleidoSampler, KaleidoTone and KaleidoMass):
- one dual main oscillators with PD synthesis
- one modulation oscillators for FM
- granular like "kaleido" modulation with up to 64 fragments
- variable speed trigger with adjustable chaos
- Trigger Modulator for automatic accelerations and density variations
- multimode 2/4 poles resonant filter
- amplitude ADSR and modulation AR
- Straight or Panner output modes
- 64 channels Resonator module to apply delay and feedback effects 
It is an automatic continuous generator in which the "polyphony" setting means the number of simultaneous fragments that can overlap over the 64 outputs. Since this value can go up to 128 it is possible to obtain very large particles or layers accumulations (be cautious!) as well as fine ethereal trajectories or sharp drawings...


Current build date: 25/02/2022

64 / 128

Windows     EXE




A n i m a S y n t h   8 3 6  /  8 6 4



It can be considered as a kind of pre-patched modular system where each oscillator can have a different spatial position and animation. All the parameters are modulated according to the 8 animated XYZ positions within spatial ranges, quantization and custom curves.
The main purpose is to make the synthesis parameters totally dependent on the spatial parameters and thus obtain complex 3D materials and figures that are truely inseparable.
Same spatialization engine than the AnimaSpat, here with :
- 8 VCOs with their respective ADSRs
- 8 multimode VCFs with their ADSRs
- 8 VCAs with their ADSRs
- 8 LFOs for pitch and cutoff modulations up to audio rate
- 8 LFOs to trig the envelopes up to audio rate
- 8 stages cascade FM and sync
- 64 channels multi-delay
- multichannel optionnal HighCut
- random modulations trigger


Known issues: the 64 channels version may need some power and an efficient buffer...
To do: FM modulations; Presets!
Current build date: 25/02/2022


36 / 64 

Windows       EXE




Important note about the following plugins:
The Presets store only the actual parameters values as they are shown on the GUI, but the real values of those which are linked to the random generators may be of course different. This means that unless the randomize values are set to "0%" you will never hear the same when loading the Preset ...


U n i S y n t h   6 4



Just a few buttons to trig each time one unexpected sound (or even nothing...) !
Since it is based on random generators, except when small variations are selected, it is generally not possible to predict what will happend, but once you have something you like, you can tweak the parameters and use the Resonator section to accumulate and sculpt the sound on 64 channels that are then compacted or dispatched on 1 to 64 outputs.
At its minimum value, the DecoRez also acts as a big 64 channels "unison", and the Dispatcher can be used to move a range of channels accross a series of outputs, allowing to do impressive spatial drawings ;-)
You can bypass partially or completely the spatialization section to process it with another plugin, like the Scatterizer.


Known issues: some values are reinitialized when connecting / deconnecting a patch wire; MacOS some UI elements may not be visible until you click on a patch jack.
Current build date: 25/02/2022


Windows        EXE




M u l t i S y n t h   6 4



It replaces the unique synth module of the UniSynth by up to 32 ones, each of them having two multishape FM oscillators and a multimode resonant filter.
Eveything goes through a global 32 channels UniQ filter with steep curves and peaks, then can be send to up to 64 outputs with the Dispatcher (or just go straight to the first 32 outputs).
Otherwise it has about the same functionnalities : you trig the new values with either a Global one (same variation percentage for every parameter) or with the Separate one where you choose the random amount for each.
Four global modulators can be combined to animate most of the parameters.
It is particularily gifted for making complex looped textures...


Known issues: some values are reinitialized when connecting / deconnecting a patch wire; MacOS some UI elements may not be visible until you click on a patch jack..
Current build date: 25/02/2022


Windows        EXE




M P E S y n t h   5 6 4


MPE based Polyphonic synthesizer, for both synthesis parameters and spatial animations:
- 5 independant polyphony voices (one for each finger ...)
- full Spat3D spatial mass section compatible with any spatial arrangement with up to 64 channels (works best with networks speakers arrangements) 
- basic but effective soustractive + FM synthesis
- main parameters can be independantly controlled by the X, Y, Z position of each finger and their distance to the center
- Random Spread Values: each voice synthesis parameters can be "detuned" slightly or completely to give per note variations or even totally different sounds
- simple 64 channels delay/resonator


To do: more global modulations
Current build date: 25/08/2022


5 > 64 


Mac VST3  



S c a t t e r S y n t h   6 4



Not quite yet another synthesizer with a modulation "matrix"...
Nervertheless, it is based on the same 64 x 64 multilichannel matrix than the Scatterizer, which is used for organizing the outputs of the same 64 FM/substractive modules than the Multi/UniSynth on up to 64 outputs. But this matrix is also used to modulate up to four synthesis parameters according to their spatial position, acting like some "spatial envelopes" that links in some complex ways the sound characteristics and the space.
Since the 64 synthesis voices are always active, the ScatterSynth can be considered as an additive instrument where each "partial" can be spatially independant (like in the FocusSynth) or mixed eventually down to stereo ;-)
Nevertheless a Level and Random balance is possible between the first and the second 32 synths banks.


Known issues: some values are reinitialized when connecting / deconnecting a patch wire ; possible switching noises when modulating the outputs positions.
To do: adjust some values range for better control ; global Hi-Cut filter.
Current build date: 25/02/2022






M a s s S y n t h   1 6 3 6  /  1 6 6 4 



It is a kind of hybrid between the MultiSynth and the AnimaSynth :
- 16 synthesizer modules (each with 2 multiwaves oscillators in FM configuration, multimode resonant filter and LFO triggered amplitude envelope)
- Global and Separate random values engine
- morphing Shapes from the SpatMass
- two modulators to animate some of the Sphere and Position parameters
- Pitch, FM, Cutoff, Rate and Envelope spatial modulations


Current build date: 25/02/2022

36 / 64

Windows        EXE




A g g r e g a S y n t h   2 4 - 3 6



It adds to the MultiSynth a ScaleMass processing section that allows to gather all the 24 synth modules into a single point or to spread them allover the space, according to the place you have first defined for each of them.
It is good at making landscapes-like textures evolutions by moving and deforming (slowly !) the aggregat. You can also obtain progressive appearances / disappearances when some parts of the aggregat comes from or goes to "outside" the space.
You can also simply select or isolate some generators, but the parameters tweaking is always global.


Current build date: 25/02/2022

24 > 36 





B l e n d e r S y n t h   6 4



3D distance based mixing and modulation of 24 independant synthesizers whose output can be sent to up to 4 among 64. To make the control easier they are grouped by two to share the same Level balance and control Area.

There is no internal correlation between the controller's 3D position and the speakers positions. It is to the user to set them accordingly or not.


Known issues: some values are reinitialized when connecting / disconnecting a patch wire.
Current build date: 25/02/2022

24 > 64





S y n t h X p l o r e r   3 2 8



Explore a space made with up 32 independant synthesizer modules by the mean of a group of 8 virtual microphones !
It can be considered as a kind of "super-vector" synth since the 3D space is not used for spatialization purpose in the strict sense of the word, but as a way to mix the 32 synth modules on 8 channels.
Yet the mix balance of the sounds among these 8 output is directly dependent on how they were arranged in this space in the comparison to the 8 microphones shape and movements.
The result can be then recorded as an octophonic sound, in this case the "microphones" arrangement will reflect the speakers one, or better you can used it to feed a SpatMass or an AnimaSpat  ;-)


Current build date: 25/02/2022

32 > 8 

Windows        EXE






N o d e S y n t h   3 D



ControlShape3DX.jpgThe JoySynth was one of my first plugins, and its principle was inspired by the old INA-GRM processor SYTER: each "ball" represented an ensemble of parameters values, and when you moved between them these values were interpolated.
The idea here is to make some correspondances between these parameters and the sound's spatial position.
The NodeSynth doesn't spatialize the sound but sends its coordinates that can be used by one of the multiple available plugins.


Current build date: work in progress ...